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This picture looks better than 18.47% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.19
This picture has been rated : 137 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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4ft Tank with pine cabinet and hood. Twin HO T5 Reflector with Marine Glo Tube. AquaOne 2200 Canister Filter and inline 18w UV. 3000Lph Wavemaker, and Fluval 300w Heater. Crushed Coral as Substrate, and Lava Rocks, Driftwood and a few artificial plants and Background
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Fish Kept:
Venustus, Frontosa, Demasoni, Electric Yellow, Electric Blue, Peacocks, Red Empress, Red Zebra, Kingsizie, Flavus, Sailfin Pleco and Bristlenose. Plan on a C.Moori and a few more Fronts, but waiting on the 6x2x2 in near future.
All fake
Tank Size:
65 gallons