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The Average Score for this category is: 3.33
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United Kingdom
130 gallon through wall FOWLR tank, internal overflow with twin 40mm overflows and twin 20mm returns, ehiem compact 5000 return pump, 1000gph internal circulation, wet/dry trickle filter with protein skimmer and phosban reactor, running diy dimmable led lighting, with t5 aqua blue plus for moonlight
Plan well ahead, you will only change your mind later, could be costly.
Fish Kept:
3 clownfish, 2 yellow tailed damsels, 1 hippo tang, 1 yellow tang,1 blonde naso tang, 1 adult emporer angelfish,5 Blue/Green Chromis, 1Zebra Bar Goby, 2 blue cheek sandsifters, 1 4 spot wrasse, 2 cleaner shrimp, bunch of blue legged hermits and bunch of snails
artificial decorations, also my rockwork is home made, using live rock and expanding foam, there are threads on the internet on how this is done
Tank Size:
130 gallons
About Yourself: