Photo #1 - Nando - My 2 Year Old Hand-fed 8 Inch Male Electr...

freshwater fish - nandopsis octofasciatum - electric blue jack dempsey stocking in 90 gallons tank - Nando - my 2 year old hand-fed 8 inch Male Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid who is so compatible with my Clown Loaches and Boesemans Rainbows. This fish has completed my aquarium and has exceeded my expectations.
90 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - My 6 foot 90 gallon aquarium, set up in 1989, showing some of my 6 inch home bred Boesemans Rainbows.
Nando - my 2 year old hand-fed 8 inch Male Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid who is so compatible with my Clown Loaches and Boesemans Rainbows. This fish has completed my aquarium and has exceeded my expectations.
Submitted By: Steve on
Photo Caption: Nando - my 2 year old hand-fed 8 inch Male Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid who is so compatible with my Clown Loaches and Boesemans Rainbows. This fish has completed my aquarium and has exceeded my expectations.

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freshwater fish - nandopsis octofasciatum - electric blue jack dempsey stocking in 90 gallons tank - Nando - my 2 year old hand-fed 8 inch Male Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid who is so compatible with my Clown Loaches and Boesemans Rainbows. This fish has completed my aquarium and has exceeded my expectations.
90 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - My 6 foot 90 gallon aquarium, set up in 1989, showing some of my 6 inch home bred Boesemans Rainbows.

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More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: Vintage 70s Juwel/Jeff Allam Aquarium with Gold anodised finish and cabinet - Approx. 400 l/80 UK gal/90 US gal. Date Obtained: 18.12.89 Cost: 450 pounds Dimensions: 183 x 46 x 46cm/72" x 18" x 18" Filtration: 2 x Undergravel filters, one powered by Fluval 403 external filter, one powered by Algarde powerhead. Fish: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, 6 x Clown Loach, Kissing Gourami, 4 x Boesemans Rainbow, Brown Ancistrus, Gold Ancistrus. Plants: Setularia argentea green Heating: 2 x 300W Interpet Thermosure Heaterstats with heater guards. Lighting: 2 x 60 inch 58W Arcadia Original Tropical T8 Lamps plus Arcadia reflectors.
Advice: This is a great hobby. However, fish live in their toilet and will die unless you detoxify their environment. First deal with the ammonia by developing a mature filter then deal with the nitrate by changing some of the water regularly. Your fish live in their loo, So there are things you've got to do. To stop things going out of kilter, Make sure you have a good mature filter. The next solution to pollution, Is water changes, that's dilution!
Fish Kept: 8" Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, 6 x 6" Clown Loach, 5" Kissing Gourami, 4 x 6" Boesemans Rainbow, Brown Ancistrus, Gold Ancistrus.
Corals/Plants: Setularia argentea.
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Quote: Do as you would be done by.
About Yourself: I work as a Countryside Ranger. I enjoy visiting the countryside with family and friends, doing things with my kids, playing sports and keeping fit, listening to progressive and avant garde music and looking after my house, car and garden. I started in the aquarium hobby when 8 years old when my mum bought me an 18" tank for bringing home a good school report. I've kept and bred many fish and had most of the usual disasters that good knowledge can save us from. I have 4 aquaria and look after another one at my local primary school. My Clown Loach are 15 years old and going strong. I look after my family and fish before turning to anything else.


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