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This picture looks better than 47.84% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.25
This picture has been rated : 12 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
American and African Cichlids 150 GallonsTank:
Sand Substrate, 4 pieces of real wood, 3 plastic wood pieces, 1 reptile cave, rocks, 2 x Astro Filters, 2x halogen tube (big boy), 2 X 150W Jager heaters
The fishes:
1x 8" Jack Dempsey
1x 4" Firemouth
1x 9" Grey Bichir
2x 2" Bolivian Ram
2x 3" Juvenile Malawi Blue Dolphin
2x 4" Marbled Angel
5x Big Congo Tetra
3x Big Plecos
1x Red Severum
2x Oscars
Keep it clean!
Fish Kept:
Jack Dempsey, Firemouth, Plecos, Grey Bichir, Congo Tetras, Red Severum, Bolivian Rams, Hemichromis Lifalili, Malawi Blue Dolphin, Marbled Angels
Vallisneria and others
Tank Size:
150 gallons