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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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New Jersey
United States
Freshwater: African Cichlid mostly Mbuna's from Lake Malawi 30 Gallon (36 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 16 3/4) w/lighted hood, Whisper Power Filter 60,Penguin 150 Bio-Wheel, 150w THERMOmatic heater, bubbler disc with Whisper 60 pump, power head for better water circulation. Here are some necessities: COMPLETE water test kit, tap water conditioner
I am a new fishkeeper.. Learn as you go, learn from your mistakes, have PATIENCE, don't overstock, water change is critical, watch the fish behavior, dont over feed. they dont like bright light, dont get em wet, and never.. NEVER feed them after midnight!! HA HA HA! The one thing I highly suggest is,"DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!"
Fish Kept:
1 Labidochromis Caeruleus "yellow morph", 1 Electric Blue, 1 Pseudotropheus Elongatus Ornatus, 2 Melanochromis Auratus (1 albino), 1 Maylandia sp "msobo magunga",1 Labedotropheus Trewavasae,1 Eureka Peacock & 1 Synodontis Catfish
Rock mostly, a faux rock cave, 1 crystalized rock, African Cichlid substrate, Green Shrub, Lace Java Fern
Tank Size:
30 gallons