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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
Tank:SunSun 1200
Dimensions:120cm L x 45cm W x 60cm H
Capacity:330L 90 Gallon
Filtration: 1 x SunSun 900L/H + 1 x AquaOne 800L/H internal
Heater: 1 x 300W TFH
Lights: 3 x T5
I'm a beginner myself. Research, Research, Research. Have a plan. Be Patient and take your time. Make small changes and keep up the maintenance and most of all Enjoy it. Try not to over analyze everything. Test the water especially during cycling. The bigger the tank the less the effect of changes in water conditions.
Fish Kept:
Danio's, Guppies for a start
All live plants includes: Java Moss, Java Fern, Elodea, Crypt, Hairgrass, Echinodorus and others
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
About Yourself:
Started with a very basic 2ft tank a few years ago and not much knowledge. Did a few stupid things and now have researched and hopefully will not make the same mistakes again.
Had a break for a few years and now I am starting again with a larger tank. This is very early in the setup and cycle. I will post another photo in a few months. Trying a 'natural' look for a start with community fish.Maybe later on will change fish once I am comfortable. Trying all 'live' plants, with no C02, mainly low-tech plants. Using plant tabs and liquid fertilizer, so far so good. Depending on results may change it into a 'planted tank'. Enjoy and good luck all! Roy