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United States
I have a 75 gallon saltwater fish tank with 2 maroon gold stripe clown fish and 2 brown banded bamboo shark eggs which will soon be in there new aquarium( 4ft by 4ft octagon tank).
start with something simple like damsels easy to take care of for your first fish don't go out and spend loads of money on something cool and expensive because new salt water tanks take time to set up.
Fish Kept:
maroon clown fish 5 years, I've had other brown banded sharks but got interested in tangs which for some reason i cant keep alive same with angelfish. only fish i've kept alive for long periods of time were yellow tang which i ended up selling because it was to aggressive towards my other fish i have also had good luck with my clowns and bamboo sharks which I've hatched many and sold due to size.
I've kept many anemones for the clowns but they would only last for about 5 months they would do perfectly fine in those months and for no reason die off
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
I have always loved fish i grew up with them helping my uncle since i was six but then my uncle thought it was time foe me to get my own tank when i turned 12 so he took me to buy my own tank and I've kept my male and female maroon banded clown fish and always loved sharks my whole life so i finally decided to get my final brown banded bamboo sharks. ilove to build tanks and i just decided to make my 4ft by 4ft octagon for my new sharks.