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This picture looks better than 22.02% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.52
This picture has been rated : 56 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
Dimensions = 48"x20"x12",
Lighting = two 18" 20w fluorescent GEaqua/plant bulbs (needs way more light, but has slow growth),
Filters = 2 (150gph) Marineland BioWheels,
Airation = plants only,
Heater = 1 TopFin 300watt,
Without a solid understanding and active respect for the "nitrogen cycle" your fish will die. Don't throw away your money, effort, and emotions. However you don't need to be a chemist, biologist, let alone zoologist to be a good aquarium keeper. If you teach yourself the foundational basics you will create amazing tanks and enjoy keeping fish for many years to come.
Fish Kept:
African Cichlids and others:,
1 Yellow Lab mutt,
1 true Yellow Lab,
1 Yellow perlmutt,
1 Electric Blue Ahli,
1 Blue Acai (crooked mouth),
1 Compressorceps,
1 Giraffe (crooked mouth),
1 Johanni,
2 Kenyi,
1 Blue Face peacock,
1 Red Jacobfrebergi peacock,
1 OB calico peacock,
1 Livingstonii,
1 Auratus,
1 Labidotropheus,
3 unidentified Cichlids,
1 Synodontis cat (1 stripe),
some of these might be hybrids,
Top Fin white peagravel (coated not best for benificial bacteria colonies, looks better than it functions)<br><br>
Native Minnesota Limestone Slate (keeps my KH up and helps balance PH and GH)<br>
2 types of anubias<br>
lots of Javafern<br>
some crypts<br>
some vals<br>
lots of various algae (amazing filters!, keeps my nitrates zeroed out, and dietary supliment for fish)<br>
never had an algae bloom (green water)<br>
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Fish r ppl 2.
About Yourself:
I got into the hobby accidently. Almost 1yr ago I helped my friends brother move and his recent x-girlfriend pawned off a full setup on me and my girlfriend (now wife, yikes). I thought dang i dont kno anything about this. So I started surfing the net, got hooked and the rest is history. And yes, I watch my tank more than tv and my wife does get a little jealous, but she loves 'em too.