Photo #9 - Eagle Eyes - 2 True Percula Clown 1 Purple Fire ...

corals inverts - zoanthus sp. - eagle eye polyp stocking in 60 gallons tank - Eagle Eyes
corals inverts - briareum sp. - starburst polyp stocking in 60 gallons tank - Green Star Polyps
Eagle Eyes
Submitted By: Tim Ellis on
Photo Caption: Eagle Eyes

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corals inverts - entacmaea quadricolor - bulb anemone stocking in 60 gallons tank - Aquapod 12 Gallon, 2 x 32w PC Lighting Upgrade (5.3w/gal), 2 x Silenx 60mm x 25mm Fans, Aquaeuro USA Nano Skimmer, MJ 900 Powerhead, Return Pump MJ 1200, Fish/Inverts: 1 Hybrid Tomato Clown, 1 Damsel, 1 Purple Fire Fish, 1 Red Orange Sea Star, 1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Peppermint Shrimp, 2 Margarita Snails, 3 Turbo Snails, 5 Hermit Crabs, Coral/ Anenome: 1 Speckled Green Bubble Tip Anenome, 1 Two Headed Green Tip Frogspawn, 1 Rainbow Open Brain Coral, 1 Plate Coral, 1 Dendrphyllia, 1 Neon Green Candy Cane Coral, 1 Neon Green Clove Polyp Colony, 1 Inside Out Zoanthid Colony, 1 Sean's Pinky Zoanthid Colony, 1 Eagle EyeZoanthid Colony, 1 Blue Magician Zoanthid Colony, Assorted Mushrooms
60 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - Left side of Clear for Life 60 Gallon Tall w/ 25 Gallon Sump 2 x 250w 20000k Metal Halides(8.3w/gal) Bubble Magus NAC6 Skimmer MJ 900 Powerhead Koriala Hydor 2 Powerhead Return Pump Coralife 1270c 1/3 Hp Arctica Chiller
corals inverts - euphyllia paradivisa - frogspawn coral - branched stocking in 60 gallons tank - Frog Spawn
corals inverts - trachyphyllia geoffroyi - open brain coral stocking in 60 gallons tank - Open Red Rainbow Brain
corals inverts - zoanthus sp. - inside outs polyp stocking in 60 gallons tank - Inside Outs
corals inverts - dendrophylliidae - dendrophyllia stocking in 60 gallons tank - Dendros
saltwater fish - amphiprion percula - true percula clownfish stocking in 60 gallons tank - True Perc in Speckled GBTA Purple Tip
saltwater fish - naso vlamingii - vlamingii tang stocking in 60 gallons tank - Vlamingi
corals inverts - zoanthus sp. - eagle eye polyp stocking in 60 gallons tank - Eagle Eyes
corals inverts - briareum sp. - starburst polyp stocking in 60 gallons tank - Green Star Polyps
corals inverts - entacmaea quadricolor - bulb anemone stocking in 60 gallons tank - Speckled Green Bubble Tip Anenome
corals inverts - entacmaea quadricolor - bulb anemone stocking in 60 gallons tank - Tomato Clown in Speckled GBTA

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More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: Clear for Life 60 Gallon Tall w/ 25 Gallon Sump 2 x 250w 20000k Metal Halides(8.3w/gal) Bubble Magus NAC6 Skimmer MJ 900 Powerhead Koriala Hydor 2 Powerhead Return Pump Coralife 1270c 1/3 Hp Arctica Chiller
Advice: Research twice, buy once!
Fish Kept: 2 True Percula Clown 1 Purple Fire Fish 1 Pychadelic Mandrin Goby 1 Kole Tang 1 Copperband Butterfly Fish 1 Red Orange Sea Star 1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp 3 Peppermint Shrimp 2 Margarita Snails 4 Turbo Snails 7 Hermit Crabs
Corals/Plants: 1 Speckled Green Bubble Tip Anenome 1 Three Headed Green Tip Frogspawn 1 Rainbow Open Brain Coral 1 Plate Coral 1 Dendrphyllia 1 Neon Green Candy Cane Coral 1 Neon Green Clove Polyp Colony 1 Inside Out Zoanthid Colony 1 Sean's Pinky Zoanthid Colony 1 Eagle EyeZoanthid Colony 1 Blue Magician Zoanthid Colony 1 Green Star Polyp Colony 1 Red Monti Cap Assorted Mushrooms
Tank Size: 60 gallons
Quote: Pain heals, chicks dig scars, and glory lives forever.
About Yourself: Started in freshwater 2 1/2 years ago and started in reef tanks 9 months ago.


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