Photo #3 - My Eureka Blue Peacock Male. Bred And Raised Wit...

Submitted By: Nick on
Photo Caption: My Eureka Blue Peacock Male. Bred and raised with his 50 brothers and sisters and now living in my peacock tank and breeding happily.
60 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 60 gallon peacock tank rearranged.
freshwater fish - neolamprologus leleupi - orange leleupi cichlid stocking in 60 gallons tank - My Leleupi that resides in my peacock tank. He although only 3 inches holds his own very well in the tank among bigger cichlids.
freshwater fish - aulonocara jacobfreibergi - eureka red stocking in 60 gallons tank - My Eureka Blue Peacock Male. Bred and raised with his 50 brothers and sisters and now living in my peacock tank and breeding happily.

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Ranked #2069 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: I have a 4 tanks but my favorite is my mixed peacock tank which is a 60 gallon acrylic S&S tank that I bought used for 50 bucks. It contains well over 80 pounds of lace rock and a few fake plants along with a few collected shells. Its is filtered by a Rena XP3 and a Penguin 400. I also have a 12 inch air stone buried under the rocks. Substrate is a mix of several pebble sizes (mostly river rock) and crushed coral. Lighting is from a 48 inch single tube stripe with a 20,000 K. Heat comes from a 200 watt aqueon heater.
Advice: keep fish that taste good...mmm
Fish Kept: Kenyi- Male, 8 Eureka Blue Peacocks one is Male, 1 Leleupi- unsure of sex, 1 Strawberry Cichlid-Female, 1 Loach, 1 Gold Giant Gourami, Plecostomus Seperate 35 Gallon Acrylic - 4 Orange Splotch Zebras 2-Male 2-Female Fry Tank 20 gallon glass - over 50 Eureka Blue Peacock Fry almost ready to move into there 40 gallon to grow.
Corals/Plants: Fake plants, Crushed Coral and a few random shells I have collected from different places.
Tank Size: 60 gallons
Quote: "dont you hate pants" - Homer Simpson
About Yourself: I am 24 and have been in the hobby since I was young.Though my hobby has exploded now as I have 4 tanks and my cichlids are now breeding constantly.


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