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United Kingdom
Tank is 37" by 15" by 16" it has 1 60cm 18w bulb and a 15 blue LED moonlighting kit, it has a AquaFlow 2 filter. It is a planted community tank of peaceful fish
Dont give up when it all goes wrong, and it will maybe a few times! take bits of info from all sources then find what works best for you, what works in one tank, or what someone says, may not work in yours, trial and error!
Fish Kept:
2x Betta Splendens, 4x Neon Tetras, 3x Black Neon Tetras, 4x Rummy Nose Tetras, 2x Espe's Rasboras, 2x Bloodfins, 2x Endlers, 1x Diamond Tetra, 3x Glowlight Tetras, 2x Pristella Tetras, 3x Zebra Danios, 1x Albino White Cloud Minnow, 1x Corydoras Sterbi, 1x Clown Loach, 1x Twig Catfish, 1x Clown Plec, 1x Algae Eater, 1x Red Tailed Black Shark, 1x Cuckoo Synodontis, 4x Freshwater Shrimps
Vallis, Umbrella Plant, Nana Plant, Madergascan Lace Leaf Plant, Amazon Swords,Onion Plant, Water Wisteria, Japenese Rush, Cryptocoryne Undulata, Red Ambullia, Red and Green Ludwigia, Red Dracena
Tank Size:
32 gallons