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This picture looks better than 47.71% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.75
This picture has been rated : 122 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.23
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United States
55 gallon hexagon - Planted (crypts-undulata and tropica, limnophilia, japonica, hydrophilia, various anubias)community tank with Neon Tetras.
8 Gallon BioCube - Planted with common crypts, japonica, hydros, and rotalas.
10 Gallon Plant hospital tank. Yes, for some of my dying plants. Using a Stratum substrate.
Salt or fresh water, they're both two worlds I enjoy doing. The only difference is PRICE! No need to discriminate, please do the same.
As my coworker who likes to quote his little 20g saltwater tank as the "Mercedes of the aquarium world" ...Three expensive and dead fish later, he's selling his tank! lol
Fish Kept:
Current: Tetras(neons, serpae, rosy), rasboras, chinese butterfly loaches, Juli cories, and Angelic botias.
Anubius nana, Cryptocoryne wendetti, Vesicularia dubyana aka moss ball, Java Ferns, Amazon Sword, Cabomba carolinsis, and Bacopa caroliniana
Tank Size:
8 gallons