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This picture looks better than 97.68% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.89
This picture has been rated : 361 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.36
More Info
New York
United States
65 gallon mixed reef tank. Tank is four years old. Apex controller, weekly automatic water changes using controller and Alexa. Dosing two part and vodka.
Make water changes as easy as possible so that you can keep up with them.
Fish Kept:
Flame Angelfish, Blue/Green Reef Chromis, Black Cap, Yellow Watchman Goby, True Percula Clownfish, Royal Gramma Basslet, Yellowtail Damselfish, Filefish, Spotted Cardinalfish, whitespotted file fish, Bicolor Blenny, Green Mandarin
fiji leather, toadstool leather, Monti caps, stylopora, mushrooms, zoas, playas, blastos, cabbage leather etc.
Tank Size:
65 gallons