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This picture looks better than 34.31% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.89
This picture has been rated : 53 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
New York
United States
Very aggressive tank the best tank to have for fun. They are most South American cichlids. Need lots of tank decorations to prevent fish to fight and kill eachother.
These are fun to watch African cichlids are the best to breed
Fish Kept:
Tiger Oscar, Albino Oscar, Black Convict Cichlid, Black Convict Cichlid, Jack Dempsey, Jack Dempsy, Firemouth Cichlid, Peacock Cichlid, Orange Blossom, Red Bellied Piranha, Red Bellied Piranha, Electric Blue Hap
Fake plants lots of drift wood rocks
Tank Size:
125 gallons
About Yourself:
I breed convicts and Most African cichlids