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This picture looks better than 22.31% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.96
This picture has been rated : 167 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
United Kingdom
Dimensions: 1027 x 477 x 745mm tank with All Pond Solutions 1000EF+ External Filter and a home made moving bed filter
start big, its so much easier to control the chemistry, oh and use youtube there are some great hints and tips
Fish Kept:
Reed Fish, Clown Loach, Bala Shark, Kuhlii Loach, Rainbow Shark, Bristle-nose Catfish, tiger barbs, kissing gourami, common pleco, blue crayfish
java moss on some bog wood, moss balls and Vallisneria
Tank Size:
55 gallons