Photo #8 - Altolamprologus Calvus 'white Chaitika'...

Submitted By: mack emmons on
Photo Caption: Altolamprologus calvus 'white chaitika', male half of WC pair.

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freshwater fish - altolamprologus calvus - white chaitika stocking in 95 gallons tank - Altolamprologus calvus 'white chaitika', male half of WC pair.
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freshwater fish - altolamprologus calvus - white chaitika stocking in 95 gallons tank - Altolamprologus calvus 'white chaitika', male half of WC pair.
freshwater fish - altolamprologus calvus - white chaitika stocking in 95 gallons tank - Altolamprologus calvus 'white chaitika', male half of WC pair.
freshwater fish - altolamprologus calvus - white chaitika stocking in 95 gallons tank - Altolamprologus calvus 'white chaitika', male half of WC pair.
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freshwater fish - altolamprologus calvus - white chaitika stocking in 95 gallons tank - Altolamprologus calvus 'white chaitika', male half of WC pair.

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Ranked #2414 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

State: Oklahoma
Country: United States
Description: Tank 1: 36x15x16 40 gallons 20 watts of lighting Whisper 30-60 filter Tank 2: 48x12x20 55 gallons 160 Watts of lighting Whisper 40 filter
Advice: Research and Water changes are among the two most important things in an aquarium. And balance is crucial, an unbalanced aquarium can cause stress to both the fish and the hobbyist.
Fish Kept: Currently Keeping: Altolamprologus calvus 'white chaitika' x2 Otocinclus affinis x4 Puntius titteya x18 Chaetasoma cf. thomasi x1 Have kept: Melanochromis auratus Cyphotilapia frontosa Hypostomus plecostomus Macropodus opercularis Gymnocorymbus ternetzi Corydoras aeneus Poecilia reticulata Helostoma temminckii Neocaridina heteropoda (var. red) Palaemonetes paludosus
Corals/Plants: Echinodorus amazonicus Sagittaria subulata Vesicularia dubyana Vesicularia montagnei Micranthemum umbrosum Najas guadalupensis Cryptocoryne sp. Ludwigia ovalis Microsorum pteropus Ceratophylum demersum Nymphoides aquatica Anubias nana 'petite' Vallisneria americana gigantea Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig' Echinodorus tenellus
Tank Size: 95 gallons
About Yourself: Addicted, simple as that.


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