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This picture looks better than 12.86% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.17
This picture has been rated : 53 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
Marineland 28 gallon bowfront tank, Penguin Biowheel 150 filter, 100 watt Aquatic Garden heater, Whisper 40 air pump with a ten inch bubble bar.
Keep the water clean, change 20% weekly, don't overfeed.
Fish Kept:
Two Red Wag Swordtails, four Mickey Mouse Swordtails, two Calico Fantails, half a dozen Zebra Danios (including the biggest, fattest one you've ever seen!) and one medium Plecostomus.
Mixture of live and fake plants
Tank Size:
28 gallons
About Yourself:
I'm fairly new at this. I got a 10 gallon aquarium up and running for six months last year before moving up to this one after Christmas. The Calicos, Pleco, and some of the Danios are from the original batch, the Swords are new.