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The Average Score for this category is: 5.69
More Info
United States
90 Gal Reef Tank, 48x24x36.
Set up date 6/23/06.
30Gal Refugium w/ 900 GPH return pump
200 micron sock filter
9w Turbo Twist UV light
Sea Life Protein Skimmer
Sufler Denitratior
Lighting - 2 250w MH 20k, 4 65w PC antic03.
2 - 650GPH Koralia Power Heads
1/10 HP West Coast Chiller - Set at 76 I live in Florida so no need for heaters, but a chiller is a must if you want to turn on your lights.
Buy some books... read them. Buy a test kit... use it. Buy some water... change it.
Fish Kept:
1 Naso tang, 1 Japanese Wrasse, 5 Green Cromas, 1 Clown, 1 Randell Goby, 1 Spoted Mandrian, 1 Sea Serperant, 2 Cleaner shrimp, 3 Peppermint Shirmp, 1 Sandsifting Star Fish, 1 Double Star Star Fish, 25 Blue Leg Crabs, 4 Mex Turbo Snails, 4 Bumble Bee Snails, 100 Snails.
Galaxia, Xenia, Ridged Tongue, Red Mushrooms, Blue Spotted Mushrooms, Frog spawn, Hammer, Chilli, Green Staghorn, Orange Cap Montipora, Purple Cap Montipora, Orange / Bue / Geen/ Rose / Yellow Florida Recordas, Green Brain Coral Head, Green Duncan Wiskers, 2 Clams, Feather Duster, Coco Worm, Orange Sun Coral, Orange Encrusting Montipora, Green and Purple Acan, Green Cup. At least 7 mother coloines of diffrent color Zoos. 5 more frags of new colors of zoos were just added to our collection.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
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