Rank Info
This picture looks better than 34.06% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.75
This picture has been rated : 16 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.01
More Info
2ft by 2ft corner tank, canister filter, 2 ft power compact lighting, red sea prizm protein skimmer, powerhead, heater.
Read, listen, and you`ll never stop learning
Fish Kept:
corals, clowns, copperband, gold headed sleeper goby, blue tang, coral goby, scooter blenny, coral banded shrimp
Brain coral, Tridacna Clam, zoanthus, Anemones, brain coral, Goniopora,
Tank Size:
35 gallons
you can do it
About Yourself:
Been keeping Discus for 15 years, decided to try something new. I know have a Discus tank and a Reef Aquarium. I`ve had a reef tank know for two years. I`m addicted now and I find myself at the aquarium shops weekly now.