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This picture looks better than 64.85% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.49
This picture has been rated : 203 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.84
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United States
Innovative Marine 75gal external overflow, Two IM Prime 16HD lights, Fiji 20 sump, 2 IM nero 3 powerheads, Iwaki MD-20RT return pump
Do what you like and keep it simple. Everything in this hobby takes time... I forget this one alot. My last tank I tried to get all the cool gear, this one im keeping it simple and things seem to be going smother... I've also spent a lot less money.
Fish Kept:
Kaudern's Cardinal, Ocellaris Clownfish, Tank Bred (, White spotted pigmy filefish, Royal Gramma Basslet
Mainly LPS and softies. Just started putting in corals a few months ago. My last tank was a mixed reef with a focus on sps... I think softies are one of my favorites right now though.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
Been in the hobby off and on for the last 25 years (mainly off), getting back into it... again

When the sun sets and the moon rises, the reef doesn't go silent - a whole new group of inhabitants comes out to play.