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This picture looks better than 82.96% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.38
This picture has been rated : 120 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 3.33
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United States
I have a 44 gallon pentagon corner aquarium and I use an Aquaclear 70 as my filter.I use purified water from my Big Berkey filter that I mix with Instant Ocean salt. I have a white light and a blue light that are on timers and go on and off at different times. Sometimes they are on at the same times and sometimes they are on alone. I don't use any special equipment and I do a partial water changes every 6 weeks along with a filter change.
Don't give up, you will lose alot of fish before you really figure out what you are doing wrong.
Fish Kept:
3 clowns, 1 pajama cardinal, 1 purple pseudochromis, 1 yellow watchman goby, 1 bicolor angel, 4 snails and 6 crabs.
live rock
Tank Size:
44 gallons
Illusions are dangerous things, they have no flaws.
About Yourself:
I've had a 20 gallon long tank, a 55, 75 and now my 44 gallon tank in my 6 years of doing this. I got married so this was the best size for my new life. I'm going to hopefully get a 55 again in the next year or so though.