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United Kingdom
Apx 215 litre (47 gallon) Amazon aquarium (seems to be a brand that no longer operates). AquaOne CF1000 external canister filter. Crushed coral gravel. Battery operated gravel vacuum cleaner. 2 air stones operated by a Tetratec air pump. Juwel hood lighting with 2 x 30W bulbs, one with blue and the other with red spectrum. Temperature kept at 26c.
Be patient, do not rush things, especially when it comes to allowing the water to establish before adding live fish or plants. Use hardy fish such as Platys, Mollies and Swordtails first to further establish the tank before adding other species. Do NOT believe all the rubbish you read online, find one source of information that covers all aspects and stick to it, better yet, ask someone you know with hands on experience...they know best.
Fish Kept:
10 Cardinal Tetra
8 Guppies
7 Mollies
3 Zebra Loaches
3 Zebra Danios (more will be added)
5 Red Comet Platys
2 Hoplo Catfish
4 Amano shrimp
Cabomba, Java Fern, Baby Tears, Hairgrass, Salvinia, Anubias, and some other long leaf plant that I can`t remember the name of (any suggestions?).
Tank Size:
47 gallons
Get a grip!
About Yourself:
I have only recently begun this hobby, I started off with a 24 litre tank but upgraded within weeks to the larger tank as it became clear that the bigger the tank the easier it would be to control the chemical balance in the water. I have only just begun with the planting but intend to have a fully planted tank by the end of the year.