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This picture looks better than 38.16% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.46
This picture has been rated : 127 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.47
More Info
United Kingdom
260ltr Jewel 260 bow fronted tank, 121cm X 46cm X 64cm. 1x aqua glow tube, 1x moonlight actinic tube, 1x modified flu-val filter 2500 l/ph, whisper air pump
Be patient and listen to advice
Fish Kept:
2x green severums (breeding pair), 2x angels, 6x odyssey barbs, 1x five banded barb, 6x cardinal tetra, 6x firelight neons, 3x sword tail platty, 5x sunset platty, 1x mountain minow, 2x clown loaches, 4 x corydoras, 1x albino cory and 4x glass shrimps.
various lol
Tank Size:
57 gallons