More Info
United Kingdom
Jewel rio 125 (80x50x35cm) standard dual lighting kit. standard filtration no added co2.
if at first you dont suceed keep trying. sometimes you get success and others it goes pear shaped without you changing a single thing. if you want a well planted aquarium make your substrate quite deep. let somebody with green fingers do the planting!!!
Fish Kept:
bleeding heart tetras
lemon tetras
clown loach
bristle nose ancistrus
red tail shark
neon rainbows
harlequin rasbora
blue dwarf gourami
red dwarf guarami
various danios
golden rams
mainly java fern and anubis variations with other plants thrown in from time to time when required
Tank Size:
30 gallons
if at first you dont suceed try and try again
About Yourself:
Started keeping fish 6 years ago when i was bought a small tank as a gift. caught the bug and at the moment currently succesfully run 5 different style tanks ranging from 10 gallon fancy goldfish to 66 gallon malawi tank. i am constantly looking at ways to improve upon the look of my tanks and my next project is likely to be swapping the malawi tank setup for one with plants and bogwood