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This picture looks better than 27.9% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.71
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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
150 gallon. 72 X 28 X 18 inches. Four Emperror 400 bio wheel filters (1600 gallons per hour). 450 watts of heater. Water temperature maintained at 78 degrees F. 1.5 watts per gallon of light. Also blue LEDs for moon light effect.
25% water change / week. All lights on timer. 10 hours of day light and 3 hours of moon light. hours
Bigger is better. Read a lot before buying fish.
Fish Kept:
Bosemani Rainbow, Red Iranian Rainbow, Maccullochi Rainbowfish, 1 Angel, Pearl Gourami, Bala Shark, rasboras, 1 flying fox. 1 bolivian ram
Java fern, Anubias Nana and Val.
Tank Size:
150 gallons
fish are friends not food- except for the ones in supermarkets
About Yourself:
Always has been big fish fan. Always keep trying to improve on my tank.
The tank was not setup for planted to begin with. Decided to add plants later, so trying out some hardy plants now.