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This picture looks better than 9.51% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.36
This picture has been rated : 11 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.47
More Info
United States
46 Gal Bowed tank
Taxation is theft
Fish Kept:
Live Stock
--2 Pleco that don’t get bigger than 2 in
( RIP Big Brown 3 years I think he was 2 when I had purchased him)
--2+ platies
--3+ Sward Adult
--My last Guppy passed on after 5 years he just would not give out.
--5 Neon Tetras
--1+ Mollie
--2 Loaches (one Kulu and on clown)
--3 Glowfish
--1 upside down Cat
----The rest I have given away because the tank can not sipport them.
I\'ve had bad luck with shell fish Clams and Shrimp. There isn’t enough for them to survive on i keep the tank Real clean so there is nothing for them to scavenge on, Black Molly, bristle nose pleco , Neon Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, shrimp
I have Cabombas and swords No fake plants Real ones look better and I have notices the tank is Cristal clear
Tank Size:
46 gallons
Mr Spock) The Needs of the meny out weigh the needs of the few.
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