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This picture looks better than 90.43% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.79
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
United States
55 gallon:
Ehiem Classic 2213 & Emperor 400
Pool fiter sand, rocks, all fake plants.
Research, don't jump into things too fast (easier said then done) sometimes "trial and error' is the only way to learn. Ask questions. The WORLD WIDE WEB is your friend. You can learn lots of stuff on there! One last thing......change your water every week.
Fish Kept:
55 gallon-ALL MALE TANK!
Metriaclima Estherae (Red Zebra)
Metriaclima Callainos (Cobalt)
Metriaclima Sp. Msobo
Metriaclima Greshakei (Ice Blue)
Labidochromis Caeruleus (YellowLab)
Pseudotropheus sp. Acei (Acei)
Pseudotropheus Socolofi
Pseudotropheus Saulosi
Pseudotropheus Polit
OB Peacock
Rainbow Shark
All fake plants in my 55 gallon.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I've been addicted to this hobby for going on 2 years. I love it, I currently have a 30 and 55 gallon tank. If your looking to go freshwater......go with cichlids. You won't regret it!