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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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Min Jiang 285 litre/75 gallon tank. 4 foot/120 cm width, 67 cm high, 47 cm deep. Aqua one 300 watt heater. 3 x 30 watt fluros in hood. Powerhead with filtration in hood. Extra filtration media added.
CARE for your fish and plants! Don't just get it roughly right and hope for the best. Research everything you introduce to your tank.
Fish Kept:
3 x cobalt blue cichlid; 1 electric yellow; 1 peacock; 1 moorii; 2 x bristlenose pleco (male and female); 1 chinese algae eater; 1 flying fox. Some fish left over from my first tank - 1 kribensis (male); 1 festive cichlid; 2 x two spot barb; 2 x serpae tetra; one black widow; a few neons and glowlights.
Anubius in pots; java fern; crypt; Water Wysteria; Vallisenaria; Lace Fern (on surface)
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Count your blessings, not your stressings!
About Yourself:
I am a professional opera and electronic music composer. Now 51 years old, I have been keeping tropical fish, on and off, since I was ten. They are very life - affirming. :-)