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This picture looks better than 66.08% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.52
This picture has been rated : 153 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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United Kingdom
4ftx2ftx2ft elite tank,deltec mce 600 protein skimmer,external filter,power head,two 28 watt actinic blue t5s,1 38 watt actinic blue t8,metal halide 2x150 watt,
take your time and dont rush in.
Fish Kept:
picasso trigger,3 common clowns,yellow damsel,
regal tang,2 domino damsels,2yellow tail blue damsels,humbug damsel,blue devil damsel,
watchmen goby,4 green chromis,2 cleaner shrimp,
scopas tang,blood shrimp,halloween crabs,hermit crabs ,assorted snails.
assorted mushrooms,finger coral,devils hand,pulsing xenia,leather cabbage corals,
hard coral(purple tree),toadstools,star polyps
Tank Size:
100 gallons