Photo #10 - Freshwater Tracked Nerite Snail

corals inverts - nerita sp. - nerite snail stocking in 16 gallons tank - Freshwater Tracked Nerite Snail
corals inverts - nerita sp. - nerite snail stocking in 16 gallons tank - Freshwater Tracked Nerite Snail
Freshwater Tracked Nerite Snail
Submitted By: FISH FRY on
Photo Caption: Freshwater Tracked Nerite Snail

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16 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - 16 Gallon @ 6 Months
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freshwater fish - otocinclus sp. - otocinclus catfish stocking in 16 gallons tank - Otocinclus
16 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 3 Months
16 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 16G Bow Front 8 Weeks
16 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 16 Gallon Bow Front 6 Weeks Young
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16 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 16G Bow Front Final Stocking @ 5 Weeks
corals inverts - nerita sp. - nerite snail stocking in 16 gallons tank - Freshwater Tracked Nerite Snail
corals inverts - nerita sp. - nerite snail stocking in 16 gallons tank - Freshwater Tracked Nerite Snail
fish tank picture - 4 Weeks @ 99% Stocking
16 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 16G Bow Front 3 1/2 Weeks Old
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16 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - 16G Bow Front 3 Weeks Old

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More Info

State: Maryland
Country: United States
Description: 16 Gallon Bow Front Tank 15 Watt T-8 Fluorescent Lamp 8,000K Aqueon QuietFlow Power Filter 20 Fluval E100 Heater Coralife Digital Thermometer Seachem Flourite Substrate 15.4 Pounds Faux Small Driftwood Faux Large Tree Root Seachem Ammonia Alert Sensor
Advice: Educate yourself. Read from different sources and correlate information since there's lots of conflicting information on web sites and by people posting on different forums. Plan ahead. Where are you going to put the tank? How big of a tank can you realistically place in that location? Will that area support the weight of the aquarium? Estimate ~10 lbs. per gallon which includes substrate and other objects. Are you willing to do 20% water changes of 20 gallons on a 100 gallon tank or would you rather do 20% water changes of 6 gallons on a 20 gallon tank? How many fish do you expect to see while viewing the aquarium? Size accordingly. Use tool and bounce ideas around with forums members. What type of fish do you want? Are they going to get along together? Do they eat the same food? Can they coexist at the same water temperature and water environment. Are you going to want live plants? Are you going to pick species that will be able to thrive in the environment that the fish will live in? Are you willing to trim and care for plants as well as the fish? More questions than answers. These are some of the questions you should research and have answers to before you buy your equipment. You then need to do your research on the different type of equipment to house your new world. Enjoy!
Fish Kept: Neon Tetra - 6 Panda Cory - 4 Harlequin Rasbora - 6 Otocinclus vittatus - 3 Red Cherry Shrimp - Started with 4 and now who knows. Ramshorn and Bladder Snails snuck in with the Hornwort.
Corals/Plants: Anubias nana Plant - 2 Amazon Sword Plant - 1 Tropica Fern - 2 Wisteria Plant - 1 Java Moss - 1 Tropical Hornwort - 1 Duckweed - 1 Red Ludwigia - 1
Tank Size: 16 gallons


pretty little chap! have never seen one before fish avatar
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