More Info
65 gallon perfecto tank with glass canopy 2 x 42 watt coralife NO T5's, Eheim 2213 cannister filter, 2 x Hydro sponge filter's with optiuma dual air pump, Top Fin 300 watt heater, flourite with laterite substraight, natural granite rocks alone with natural drift wood.
Keep up on weekly water changes and weekly aquarium maintance always keep your plants trimmed back from the water surface so they don't rob the light from the lower plants
Fish Kept:
In my tank I love a good mix of compatible fish, I keep in this tank
3 x Hybrid Sailfin Mollies male
4 x Sailfin Mollies female
6 x Black Widows male & female
8 x WCMM's
3 x Emperor Tetras
2 x Flying Foxes
3 x Otto Cats
8 x CRS
25 x Cherry Shrimp
Polysperma, ludwigia, sagittaria subulata, windelov fern, java fern, moss balls, christmas moss, taiwan moss, erect moss, singapore moss, java moss, ozelot sword, water sprite, wisteria
Tank Size:
65 gallons
Try anything once
About Yourself:
I am entering my tank to see if mine is better then my boyfriends tank