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This picture looks better than 74.41% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.16
This picture has been rated : 31 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.01
More Info
United States
Lighting: Orbit Power Compact 260 watt, Filter: Fuval 404, Power Head: SEIO M820 x2, Protein Skimmer: Sea Clone 100, Heater: Visi-Therm Deluxe 300w, RO Unit: CoralLife 3 Stage (24 GPD). I am presently in the process of planning a DIY hood with MH and VHO lighting and DIY 45+ gallon refugium.
Patience....patience....patience. Keep up on checking and maintaining your water quality (I learned the hard way). And last but not least a deep wallet.
Fish Kept:
Green Chromis x5, mimic (chocolate) tang, sailfin tang, Pink skunk clown x2
Right now only alot of green button polyps, colony polyps, branching bubble coral, and some mushrooms. Like i said, I learned the hard way.
Tank Size:
75 gallons