Photo #1 - Me 500 Lt Tank Converted From Freshwater To Marin...

140 gallons saltwater fish tank (mostly fish, little/no live coral) - Me 500 lt tank converted from freshwater to marine.
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Me 500 lt tank converted from freshwater to marine.
Submitted By: Peter on
Photo Caption: Me 500 lt tank converted from freshwater to marine.

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140 gallons saltwater fish tank (mostly fish, little/no live coral) - Me 500 lt tank converted from freshwater to marine.
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140 gallons saltwater fish tank (mostly fish, little/no live coral) - 2ftx1.5ftx1.5ft tank, protenskimmer, filter, 20w 2ft light. blue tane, clown fish, 2 others
140 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 540l / 140g 5ft x 2ft x 2ft cichlids akvastabil 4Ft Double t5 54Watt tubes(one white one blue), Fx5 filter, 1 X 300W heaters. too many fish, 2 x blue dolphins, red rubin peacock, sunsine peacock, 3 x Electric Yellows, 2 x mono sebaes, red scat(mega plant eater), 2 x rustys, 2 red forest jewel, 2 x sucker fish, 2 x dragon blood peacocks, jaycob, 2 x guromi, 2 x Kenyi, about 10 more fish.
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140 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 540l / 140g 5ft x 2ft x 2ft cichlids akvastabil 4Ft Double t5 54Watt tubes(one white one blue), Fx5 filter, 1 X 300W heaters. too many fish, 2 x blue dolphins, red rubin peacock, sunsine peacock, 3 x Electric Yellows, 2 x mono sebaes, red scat(mega plant eater), 2 x rustys, 2 red forest jewel, 2 x sucker fish, 2 x dragon blood peacocks, jaycob, 2 x guromi, 2 x Kenyi, about 10 more fish.

Rank Info

Ranked #155 out of 575 saltwater fish tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 73.04% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.13
This picture has been rated : 135 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.33

More Info

Country: Australia
Description: 5Ft X 2Ft X 2Ft, 540L, akvastabil 4Ft Double t5 54Watt tubes(one white one blue), fx5 external filter, 2 X 300W heaters
Advice: look up on the net for info. also best to get a big tank, bigger the better.
Fish Kept: too many fish, 2 x blue dolphins, red rubin peacock, sunsine peacock, 3 x Electric Yellows, 2 x mono sebaes, red scat(mega plant eater), 2 x rustys, 2 red forest jewel, 2 x sucker fish, 2 x dragon blood peacocks, jaycob, 2 x guromi, 2 x Kenyi, about 10 more fish.
Corals/Plants: some basic plants, all fake tree stuff.
Tank Size: 140 gallons
Quote: hi


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