Rank Info
This picture looks better than 52.18% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.37
This picture has been rated : 30 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United Kingdom
Juwel Vision 180 - 92 x 41 x 55 cm
High-Lite Light Unit 92 cm, 2 x 35 W
Pump Set 600
Heater 200 Watt
Sunken ship style bogwood, all live plants, natural slate in the middle of the tank that sweeps to the right as a pathway almost
Trial & Error!
Fish Kept:
3 False Bandit Corys, Green Phantom Pleco, Banjo, Whiptail, Spotted & Striped Dora Catfish, 2 Mollys, 4 Dwarf Gouramis & 2 Ghost Shrimp
Java Fern, Java Moss, Amazon Sword Plant, Not to sure of the rest..
Tank Size:
180 gallons
About Yourself:
Will upload clearer pictures very soon, these are just a few quick ones taken on my phone