Photo #1 - The Blue Jahanni Is A Camera Hog Everytime We Too...

The Blue Jahanni is a camera hog everytime we took a pic he was in it. The rocks on the bottom where the transcriptus is, is where all the babies hide (really cute at feeding time). And the Sonadontus hides behind all the rocks at the back only popping his head out at night or when it is feeding. (PLEASE ...
Submitted By: Bonnie and Scott on
Photo Caption: The Blue Jahanni is a camera hog everytime we took a pic he was in it. The rocks on the bottom where the transcriptus is, is where all the babies hide (really cute at feeding time). And the Sonadontus hides behind all the rocks at the back only popping his head out at night or when it is feeding. (PLEASE FORGIVE THE NAME BEING SPELT INCORRECTLY)

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45 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - The Blue Jahanni is a camera hog everytime we took a pic he was in it. The rocks on the bottom where the transcriptus is, is where all the babies hide (really cute at feeding time). And the Sonadontus hides behind all the rocks at the back only popping his head out at night or when it is feeding. (PLEASE FORGIVE THE NAME BEING SPELT INCORRECTLY)
45 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - This is the latest version of our tank.
45 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Our very happy and productive transcriptus and babies and parents with a whole lot more to come as under the rocks are eggs.

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Ranked #2069 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08

More Info

Country: Australia
Description: tank dimensions are 2.5x2x1.5 Trickle system
Advice: Change the water regularly, dont overfeed and enjoy
Fish Kept: 1 Blue Jahani, 2 Electric Yellows, 2 Lupias, 1 breeding pair of Transcriptus with approx 20 babies, 2 (soon to be more) Trophus Bemba, 1 Syondotus Eruptus, 2 Princess Daffodils, 2 Albino Algae Eaters, 1 male Bristle Nose, 1 Red Emperor, 1 unknown nickname is Blue Opaline. Just about all the fish are either babies or Juvies and cant wait till they get bigger and their colors start to show more.
Corals/Plants: mass of Java Moss and 2 Anubias attached to driftwood.
Tank Size: 45 gallons
Quote: Whatsup!!!!!!! Jo Jo
About Yourself: Scott and I are avid fish enthusiasts. We have 7 tanks all up. What should be our pride and joy however is still in the process of being repaired. A custom 6x2x2.5 foot tank the support bracing was not strong enough and was bowing out when completely full so at the moment it is half full and not looking good at present. It will be in time where we will keep our cichlids. What started out as a second hand tank given to us 3 years ago has now taken over our life, our home and our wallet. As anyone knows who is addicted.


i like it gret job fish avatar
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