Photo #1 - Im An Noob, Please Give Me Advice What To Put, Th...

10 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - im an noob, please give me advice what to put, theres only a betta, the tanks seems lonely, what live plants can be in the tank and what fish, my betta is very peaceful,
Submitted By: salvatore on
Photo Caption: im an noob, please give me advice what to put, theres only a betta, the tanks seems lonely, what live plants can be in the tank and what fish, my betta is very peaceful,
10 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - im an noob, please give me advice what to put, theres only a betta, the tanks seems lonely, what live plants can be in the tank and what fish, my betta is very peaceful,

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Ranked #4905 out of 5263 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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More Info

State: Illinois
Country: United States
Description: my tank is 10 gallons, it doesnt have light yet, i hgot filter and heater, i got a betta and fake plants, i hope you guys can help me out, im new and this hobbie is expensive
Advice: im noob
Fish Kept: betta
Corals/Plants: havent yet
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Quote: lets fish
About Yourself: im noob at this


I would suggest getting a light they make your tank look good. And you can put tetras in with your betta I also had platys in with my betta and had no problems. And maybe some more plants so the fish can hide if they feel threatened at all. fish avatar
i have been in the hobby for a while now. bettas are not very aggressive. except to another betta. i have a male betta in a 20 gallon with guppies a few gold tetras and a cory cat. anything that is not a fin nipper would do well with your betta. i would suggest getting 6 to 8 small tetras. i like the neons very colorful and peaceful or rummy nose would look nice also. fish avatar
I dont think there is much you can put with that betta. Consider getting him a bowl and go with something else in the tank. Tropical community or goldfish community. Good luck with whatever you decide! fish avatar
its a nice starter tank, i like it, my suggestion is to get a light, and get a snail or an algae eater that will not get in fights with the betta, good luck fish avatar


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