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United States
I have had this tank for just over one year. It is an Aqueon 26G Bowfront Aquarium. The bowfront adds dimension and magnifies the tanks contents. I am still using the stock filter and heater that came with the tank. It's black rimmed and its dimensions are 24 x 15 x 21. I also have a 18" air stone behind the rocks, this is used for better aeration and it looks nice. The lighting is low; 20W
Patience. Do not fully stock a new tank, collect your fish. Do research on the fish you buy, or are thinking of buying. Check whether they are community, semi-aggressive, aggressive, cichlid etc. to minimize injury or death. Remember that your fish are going to grow, so make sure you have an appropriate sized aquarium for when they grow up. Fish can live for over a decade if properly taken care of. Create variation in your fishes diet. There are many types of food (flake, dried, live, frozen). When you decorate your tank do some research on where your fish came from. Do they prefer tall plants? no plants? rocks? sand? Check PH and ammonia levels once a week or more. Temperature is also important, keep an eye on it. My fish all prefer temperatures of 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not hesitate to ask your local tropical store for advice, the internet is also very helpful when you have a specific question. It is ultimately all about making your fish as comfortable and as happy as they can be, while still letting your creativity show through. Have fun, get interested and love your pets.
Fish Kept:
8 Rummy Nose Tetras, 1 Zebra Danio, 1 Cory Cat, 2 Black Skirt Tetras, 1 White Angelfish, 1 Black Ghost Knife (BGK) Fish.
All Artificial. Local Rock.
Tank Size:
26 gallons