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The Average Score for this category is: 4.43
More Info
180 Gallon Glass Aquarium
Aquarium is built into wall, totally serviced from rear. 72 long x 24 deep x 18 wide
Fluval FX5 annister Filters, plus Undergravel filter with 2 power heads.
Inline heaters. Ro water system to a 50 gallon barrel for water changes.
Patience, Patience, Patience
Fish Kept:
Discus, Angel fish Cardinal Tetras, Clown Loaches, Gold Spotted Plecostomus and Albino Coryadoras.
Live plants
Tank Size:
180 gallons
Yes you have to buy a heater, they are tropical fish...
About Yourself:
Keeping fish for about 30 years, have raised angels commercially and trying to raise Discus now. This show tank is my grow out tank. I have 4 30 gallon bare tanks in waiting for when the pairs start to get frisky. My other life long hobby is photography, so photographing my fish is the best challenge of all.