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This picture looks better than 24.26% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.59
This picture has been rated : 49 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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New York
United States
i havea 55 gallon tank it has a roman theme to it and there is a cat fish that hides in the big building i have there so u cant really see him and i have a pleco and a green terror you can see my green terror sorta by the little building
start out with a small tank like a 10 or 20 gallon at first then work your way up and you must have a lot of time to set up and carfe for your fish you cant just set up a tank and go out and buy 20 fish right away they will all die.
Fish Kept:
i have a green terror and shark cat fish and a pleco
fake plants.,
Tank Size:
55 gallons
the world chico and every thing in it - scarface
About Yourself:
i got into the hobby of fish not to long about 10 months ago and i love it it keeps me busy wen i have nothing to do and there just cool to watch and studdy the fish's habits...