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This picture looks better than 26.18% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.65
This picture has been rated : 43 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.31
More Info
New Jersey
United States
Two months old 16 USG tank, lighting: single strip with aqua glo fluorescent lamp, filtration: Marineland Penquin 100 with bio wheel, , aeration: Tetra whissper air pump with Aqua fin bubble wall, Marineland 75 W heater , fluorite and mixed gravel
be patient
Fish Kept:
bolivian rams, blue peppered guramis, tiger barbs, peppered corys, gold dust molly chinesse algae eater
amazon swords, dwarf hair grass, anacharis, Cryptocoryne wendtii
Tank Size:
16 gallons
never give up
About Yourself:
I had a few aquariums when I was younger. But it was over 6 years ago. Last christmas we (me and my wife) got goldfish from my wife parents. We were not preper for it so fish died after one day (to small tank wich was originally for beta, mom didn't know that). Than I decided to statrt once again and I bought bigger tank (5 USG). I have there 3 goldfishes now and they are doing fine. Two months ago I found old 16 USG tank wich someone put on the sidewalk, I cleaned it resealed bought new equipment and plants. Month ago I put first fishes. Now I have "second TV" in my living room:-). I'm going to set up bigger tank in the future