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The Average Score for this category is: 3.33
More Info
1225x360x480. Aquaone marisys 240 filter,1 smaller filter(dont know brand), 1powerhead, marineglo light+aquaone reef light.
Fish Kept:
2 tomato clowns, 1 cleaner wrasse, blue tang,1 coral beauty angel fish, skunk shrimp, starfish, 1 zebra humbug, four blue damsels,2 hermit crabs, 5 snails
2 anenomes, tiny bit of coral
Tank Size:
200 gallons
About Yourself:
started about six months ago. always wanted a tank. finally got one and thanks to my wife (the driving force of the tank) is starting to look really good. lost a yellow angelfish(tank too hot) and a purple anthies(starvation) my tank gets more and more every week, I am always looking to add new things.