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This picture looks better than 7.65% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.88
This picture has been rated : 40 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
I've got an old aquarium with a weird kind of light. As far as the filter, I have a Whisper Tetra BioFoam Filter, with a Whisper heater, along with aquatech dual air pump with a blue cartoon clam on one hose, and a bendable bubble curtain on the other.
Im new to this.
Fish Kept:
One Blueberry Botia, one Tancho Koi, one regular two-tail neon orange Goldfish, one Zebra Tetra, one Painted Tetra, and one King Guppy that was breed by my buddy.
I have 2 decorative pieces: one is a pirate skull with patch and pirate hat, and a chest full of gold, the other is a blue tribal skull that kind of reminds me of the bme skull. When it comes to gravel, I use bright neon colors: blue, green, pink, orange, and the usual black. I have 3 plants that are all glow in the dark. One is a greenish blueish spike. The other two are a leafy neon green type.
Tank Size:
29 gallons
About Yourself:
I enjoy the peacefulness of a fish tank.