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This picture looks better than 72.87% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.68
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.52
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40 Gallon Perfecto (Breeder) 36"x18"x16" which is really about 45.
Coralife T5 Series 36" 2x21watt (2 Units) so 84watt total.
Rena XP3 recieving from a custom overflow/surface skimmer/refugium.
70lb base rock, 15lb live rock.
Crushed Coral .5"-1"max sandbed
Stop spreading money around on several tanks. Stick to 1 display + a smaller tank to fool around and experiment.
Buy good equipment at first and get rocks and AQUASCAPE it in the way you like the first time. Do it right. Once it has been aquascaped (one of those nice aquascapes you never want to tear down), add your corals accordingly. Do not adjust the aquascape to FIT your corals. By aquascaping first, you allocate the space available for certain corals. You give yourself restrictions and these restrictions (with careful planning) will lead to a nicely designed tank. If you ever want to aquascape... just go out and buy a coral.. its better for you!
Fish Kept:
2 paired Ocellaris, Sixline Wrasse, Cleaner Shrimp, Arrow Crab.
Coral Polyp: Beige Eyes
Coral Polyp: Brown, Orange Mouth
Coral Polyp: Green Button Polyp
Coral Polyp: Green Green Mouth
Coral Polyp: Green Star Polyp
Coral Polyp: Orange Orange Mouth
Coral Polyp: Orange, Neon Green Mouth
Coral Polyp: Purple & Green Polyp
Coral Polyp: Xenia
Coral Polyp: Yellow Polyp
Gorgonian: Purple Whip
Leather: Devil Hand
Leather: Sinulaira
Leather: Yellow Finger
LPS: Branching Meat Coral
LPS: Bubble Coral
LPS: Candy Cane 36
LPS: Frogspawn
LPS: Galaxea
LPS: Hammer Coral
Mushroom: Green Stripe
Mushroom: Gwen Blue
Mushroom: Purple Mushroom (True purple)
Ricordea: Blue Purple
Ricordea: Faint Green & blue
Ricordea: Gold Blue
Ricordea: Orange Purple Green
SPS: Assorted CPR 7
SPS: Digitana & Cap
SPS: Humilis
SPS: Orange Digitana Montipora
SPS: Purple Tri Color
SPS: Staghorn Brown
SPS: Yellow Acropora
Yes.... I keep a list... yes I do :-)
Tank Size:
45 gallons
Do it, do it right, do it right the first time.
About Yourself:
FWater Fish keeping for 9 years. Jumped into reef and been at it for 1 year. Student in university. Struggle struggle!
When the sun sets and the moon rises, the reef doesn't go silent - a whole new group of inhabitants comes out to play.