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This picture looks better than 13.96% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.23
This picture has been rated : 52 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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I have a 30 gl freshwater fish tank, it is 30" long, 45" high(including stand) and 13" wide, it is standing on a beautiful home made wooden stand, with a 3 stage fluval filter, a perfect a lite full aquarium hood. and lotsa acseseries (airpump, heater, ect)
REASERCH REASERCH REASERCH!!!!!!!! all your fish before you buy them, how big they get, compatibility with your other fish, what size tank they need, what they eat, ect ect. MAKE SURE you no what your getting into!
Fish Kept:
I have 1Oplaine Gouramis, 1 african dwaf frog, 4 glowlight tetras, 5 neon tetras, 3 head and tail light tetras, 1 female betta, 2 Angelfish,1 bronze Cory Cat, 1 Peppered Cory Cat, 1 Common Pleco. in my 30 gallon. My Eletric Blue Cray fish is in my 10 gallon.
i have a live java fern and some fake plastic plants.
Tank Size:
30 gallons
before you critisize someone you should walk a mlie in there shoes then when you critisize them, you will be a mile away and you wil have there shoes.
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