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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
13in. deep, 48in. long, 19in. high.
Filtration/circulation: cascade 700 w/ side mounted water pump
low light florescent bulbs
it doesnt matter how you set up you tank but the one thing I recommend you spend the most money in set up is your Filtration. I also have low light plants only in my tank and they do great, I fertilize regularly and they prosper, plants can really make your fishes colors pop.
when you are buying fish realize they may not get along in your tank, if that is so do the right thing and remove it immediately.
I have a pre "show tank" tank. I use it to check on a fishes health for a week or two before putting it in. If a fish I buy doesnt get along in the "show tank" its removed and stored here until I can find a good home for it. It is a bare bones tank, still looks good but you want to be able to move sick fish into this tank and treat them(some meds are really harsh on certain fish).
go slow, read read read, ask questions, have a great time setting up your new tank!
Fish Kept:
Black ghost knife, 5 x-ray tetras, vimpire pleco, reticulated hill stream loach, female crib, zebra danio, 6 glass catfish, 2 angels, twig catfish, whiptail catfish, tiger eal, banjo catfish, african butterfly fish, 2 Sumo Loaches
tape grass(super hardy), Java fern, cryptocoryne
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
between two people we maintain three tanks in our house, a 55, 30, and a 65. absolutely love to sit and watch our fish, almost more like fish tv.