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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
80 gallon - TruVu Bowfront - 48 X 15 X 24. Named it "The Amazonian Ruins".
- Substrate used
- Power Sand, Aqua Soil Amazonia, Aqua Soil Amazonia - Powder
- Overflow with wet/dry filter
- Pressurized CO2 controlled by solenoid
- Coralife Aqualight works on timer
- Timer 1 runs solenoid, daylight & Co2 diffuser from 10 am to 8 pm
- Timer 2 runs attnic from 7-8:30 am and 7:30-9pm for dawn/dusk effect
- Timer 3 runs night light (led) & air pump from 9pm to 7am
- Standard heater set at 80F
Did fish less cycling (took 2.5 weeks). Currently tank is running over 2 months now but the aquascape was changed many times and the latest setup is 2 weeks old
- Miantenance
- Monthly - clean overflow, sump
- Weekly > Clean the glass, vacuum substrate, do 20% water change. Add water conditioner, medicine & bacteria supplement
- Bi weekly > check water parameters & add liquid fertilizer
- Daily > Feed fish & add iron trace
Patience, patience & patience.
Fish Kept:
1 danio
1 pleco (the small ones which gros upto 2-3")
2 mountain minnows
3 discus
3 Ottos
7 Platy (4 were born in my old tank)
12 cardinal tetras
Stellata, Rotala Indica, Rotala Macandra, Gaint Val, Cabomba, Star rotala, blyxa japonica, hairgrass, four leaf clover, Sagittaria, java & christmass moss, Ammania gracillis, riccia fluitans and some more plants (not sure of the names...got from friends)
Tank Size:
80 gallons
About Yourself:
Relatively new in this hobby and inspired (like many of us) by Takashi Amano. Started my hobby in October 07 with a 2 gallon betta bowl. Here I am trying to setup my first aquascape. I named it "The Amazonian Ruins".