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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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South Carolina
United States
Here's my 90 gallon aquarium. It's 48 1/218 1/2 25 3/8 show tank. It has a Fluval remote controlled led lighting system. I have two Marineland Emperor 400 hob filters. I have two Fluval 300 watt heaters. Its has plastic plants and two live plants. I also have two airstone plants with a Fluval dual channel air pump.
Do research on the type of fish you would like to have, if different species make sure they are compatible tank mates. Check out the necessary size of aquarium and filtration required to raise your fish. Research the food,chemicals and the media for maintaining your aquarium. Most of all only purchase any aquarium that's within your budget and maintenance affordability.
Fish Kept:
Tiger Barb, Flame Dwarf Gourami, Red Minor Serpae Tetra, Peppered Cory Cat, Bushy Nose Pleco L-144, Congo Tetra, Koi Angel, Neon Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, Black Sailfin Molly, Platinum Lyretail Molly
Plastic plants and two live plants
Tank Size:
90 gallons
"With God all things are possible"
About Yourself:
I started the hobby in 1991. My first tank was a 20 gallon. I had it for about 10 years then sold it to downsize terrible mistake. I still have the ten gallon aquarium also 30 gallon, a 75 gallon custom aquarium along with the 90 gallon aquarium. I am a cook at our local high school and coach girls basketball. I am also a mobile DJ you can find me on Facebook at Soundfunk Express. I am officially an aquarium junkie, I mean enthusiast.