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United States
Tank: 65g AqueonLights: Aqueon LED lighting.Filtration: 2x Marineland 75g filters, 1 Marineland 360 100g canister filter. Well over 200 gallons an hour of filtration.Substrate: Chiclid sand mixed with gravelDecor: 4 live plants, some plastic. Stock: African Cichids several varieties, plus the larger fish I had before I got into cichlids. I know now that your not supposed to mix. But they all get along, and have been for months. Side note: my pair of Auratus Cichlids have given us 12 little ones. Looking forward to growing them out.
I'm hear to learn more, have only been keeping fish for less than a year. But what I have learned so far, clean your substrate, filtration and do your water changes, over filtrate, be prepared for babies with an adequate nursery tank. Use water from the main tank for your nursery tank.
Fish Kept:
African Butterfly Peacock, Electric Yellow Cichlid, Electric Blue Hap, Demasoni Cichlid, Peacock Cichlid, Bala Shark, Kissing Gourami, Blue Gourami
Tank Size:
65 gallons
About Yourself:
I am a Military Policeman in the US Army. We go our first fish in October 2016 at the fair. A gold fish, our first tank was a cylindrical 3 gallon from Walmart, by November we had moved on tropicals, and a ten gallon glass aquarium. In January we sold the 10 gallon and bought a 38 gallon Marineland tank, in February we sold that tank upgraded from tetras to cichlids and bought our 65 gallon tank. We also have in the house the 3 gallon cylinder with a beta in it, a 2 gallon with another tetra, a new ten gallon nursery setup, and a 20 gallon hexagonal tank that I got for my lamp eye tetras that had been living with my cichlids for months. We have plans to go to 100 or 150 before the end of the year.