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This picture looks better than 45.28% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.68
This picture has been rated : 139 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.07
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United States
This is my 40 gallon Freshwater Aquarium.
Just have fun with this hobby...
Fish Kept:
3 Veiltail Angels, 6 RummyNose, 6 Neons - 6 Cardinal Tetras, 3 Glass Bloodfin tetras, 5 Gold Tetras,4 lampeye Rasboras,4 Ember tetras,1 Males 1 Bristlenose Pleco, 1 Albino Female Bristelnose Pleco, 1 Longfin Bristlenose Pleco, 1 Green Emerald Cory cat, 16 Amano Shrimp. I know it sounds like ALOT, but ive had all these fish together for over 2 years...NEVER have disease's, never have fish die off at random. All my levels are always on point. So When people say you can only have certin amount of fish in your tank, its not true..
I have numerous plants, Swoards, Anubius's, And many others. co2 injection, 3 bubbles per second,eco substrate, Iron tabs...few other things
Tank Size:
40 gallons
About Yourself:
Born And Raised In Milwaukee,WI BOIIIIII