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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
This is a 150 gallon freshwater game fish tank. I use the basic hood for lighting. My filtration is 2 QuietFlow 55/75 which do 800 gallons per hour. Also using a Petco air pump what use 2 outputs but only using 1 into a bubble bar.
Remember to properly cycle your tank in the beginning. I also like to do regular 10% water changes weekly. Also, before I put any items into my tank from outside I boil everything to kill off contaminants.
Fish Kept:
Right now the tank has the following:
2 Largemouth Bass
1 Channel catfish
2 Bullhead catfish
2 Bluegill
1 Pumpkinseed
1 Crappie
1 Crayfish
1 Perch
No live plants but have Rocks from my lake in the tank and 2 huge logs for hiding and cover. Also, have drift wood inside the tank.
Tank Size:
150 gallons
About Yourself:
Been running tanks since I was 18 and still going strong. I have run Saltwater, freshwater community tanks, and even reef tanks. My favorite is freshwater game fish because I live right off a lake so walk across the street and jump on my boat and fish!! They are such beautiful fish in my eye! Years ago I raised a Tiger Muskie from 2-3 inches to about 18" and was then placed into the Bass Pro Shops tank and lived happily there.